Circular, green, and alternative procurement
11 Octombrie 2020, Sursa : Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Timiș
Romanian version
Stimată doamnă / Stimate domn,
Avem plăcerea de a vă invita să participați la Webinarul “Achizitii publice alternative, circulare si verzi ", care se va desfășura în format digital, în data de 14 Octombrie 2020.
Evenimentul este organizat de catre Camera de Comerț, Industrie si Agricultura Timis in cadrul Proiectului "Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation Beacons", in colaborare cu partenerii de proiect : Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy, Germania, Cleantech Bulgaria, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Athena Research And Innovation Center In Information, Communication And Knowledge Technologies si Cirekon, Serbia.
Scopul principal al acestui webinar este acela de a promova cooperarea și principiile achizitiilor publice circulare si verzi, subliniind contributia acestora la mentinerea buclelor inchise in lanturile de aprovizionare cu materiale si energie, cu impact pozitiv asupra mediului prin diminuarea cantitatii de deseuri generate.
De asemenea, se urmărește creșterea competențelor și capacității forței de muncă locale pentru viitoare implementări sistemice ale economiei circulare. Ca rezulatat al acestei activitati, 20 de experti (10 din Romania si 10 din Serbia) vor beneficia de un program de instruire in cadrul caruia va avea loc transferul proceselor si cadrelor testate si functionale in Europa de Vest precum si remodelarea lor pentru a se integra in contextul Balcanic.
Participarea la eveniment este gratuită, însă accesul se va face în baza e-mail-ului de confirmare pe care îl veți primi după efectuarea înregistrării online.
Accesați aici link-ul pentru detalii suplimentare si înregistrare.
Evenimentul se va desfășura în limba engleză.
English version
Dear Madam / Dear Sir
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Webinar entitled “Circular, green, and alternative procurement”, which will take place in digital format on October 14, 2020, 12:00-13:40 CET .
This topic is following the recommendations received from the participants of our previous webinars. The main goal is to dive in the concept of circular and green procurement, the contribution to the maintenance of closed energy and material loops within supply chains and the positive impact on the environment by reducing the quantities of waste generated. For this purpose we have framed the main topics on our agenda as follows:
- Green Public Procurement (GPP) - For a better Environment : introduction and good practice
- The European Green Deal - Implications and impacts on public procurement.
The event is organized by Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture Timis within the Project Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation Beacons ”CE Beacons”, in collaboration with project partners: Wuppertal Institute of Climate, Environment and Energy- Germany, Cleantech Bulgaria, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Athena Research And Innovation Center In Information, Communication And Knowledge Technologies- Greece and Center for circular economy development CirEkon- Serbia.
CE BEACONS Project is supported by EIT Climate-KIC and aims to prepare companies for coming systemic CE implementation with raising skills capacity of local workforce, raising enabling conditions and helping decision makers lift recognized business barriers. It also aims to co-design a regionally-fit framework with implementation methods, then to deliver knowledge through Train the Trainer (TtT) formats to experienced professionals and trainers dedicated to CE transition. This transfer of experience from Western Europe partners to Balkan partners aims to re-shape the frameworks and processes that are tested and working in the “west”, in order to fit the Balkan context.
Participation in the event is free, but access will be based on the confirmation email you will receive after registering online. Please register via this link. [ ]
The event will be held in English.
The deadline for registration is October 14.
Tender procedures that contribute to the maintenance of closed energy and material loops within supply chains, with a positive impact on the environment by reducing the quantities of waste generated, must become a common practice at the level of the EU states.
By purchasing wisely, one can save materials and energy, reduce waste and pollution, and encourage sustainable patterns of behavior.
Registration HERE.