Registrations are still open !

Whether you are thinking server halls, auditing, security solutions, maintenance, network, data centre, global or specific approach, CIV provides a quality, custom-made solution that is designed and implemented specifically for each of its clients.

Exhibition: more than 30 demonstrator booths
The Third Industrial Revolution in Europe: Hauts-de-France, Luxembourg and Rotterdam the-Hague
ENGIE, CITC, EDF, Euralogistic, ORANGE, Schneider, X perium, Microsoft, Live tree, Sunrise, Icam, Mines de Douai, Eiffage, Matikem, Safran, Consortium St quentin, CMDU, Pouchain, Chaumeca, Energic, GRDF, machine 3D, Ataway, Effipilot, Arteparc, CMP technologie, UIT...and more!
More than 250 participants, focus on 3 of them:
Digital solutions are applied to the building sector in order to follow inhabitants’ needs; apps are developed to monitor energy consumption, to perform energy diagnoses… They are designed in a collaborative way so that users can share advice and help one another.
One of the top 10 companies in the construction sector in France. The group has developed skills in complementary business lines that are connected to the world of construction, thereby achieving almost complete, end-to-end mastery of the entire property business.
In 20 years, the software editor Archimed became a leader with its solutions for libraries and for Electronic Document Management. Permanently innovating, Archimed devotes 25% of its income to research and development each year.