Don’t miss the opportunity to pursue collaboration between European and Taiwanese clusters and business associations!
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), in collaboration with the European Commission, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and Silicon Europe Worldwide, will organise an EU-Taiwan Cluster Matchmaking Event, taking place on the 26th and 27th of June 2017 in Brussels (Belgium), in the context of the 3rd EU-Taiwan Industry Dialogue. The aim of the Event is to foster cooperation between European and Taiwanese clusters and business associations.
This call for expression of interest is launched to identify a European delegation composed of representatives of cluster organisations from technology fields in support of the following areas:
- 5G (5th Generation Wireless Systems)
- Circular Economy
- Smart Industry
If you want to participate, follow the indications and conditions explained in the “Call for expression of interest” and fill in the “Cluster Questionnaire” (also attached).
Expressions of interest to participate in the Event should be submitted electronically by the 18th of April 2017 (end of the day) to Mark Spinoglio and Noelia Dosil at